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Thank you for visiting the Doña安娜县 (further known as “the County”) website and reviewing our website privacy policy. 通过使用信息, 通过本网站提供的服务和产品, 您同意遵守Doña安娜县政府的所有使用条款和条件, 如本文所述. 这些条款和条件可能会在适用时更新.

Information presented on these pages is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. 请使用适当的内容、文字、照片或图像. Any information or public records obtained from the use of this website can also be obtained by requesting it from the appropriate department. 本网站只是此类信息的一个来源.


Doña安娜县 uses the latest technology to safeguard the integrity of its computer systems and networks, 包括, 但不限于, 个人身份验证, 传输数据的安全, 监控安全. 安全方法和措施已纳入设计, 整个网站的实施和日常操作. 然而,这并不能保证这些安全措施不会被违反.

本县非常重视个人信息的安全. 我们采取预防措施维护安全, 保密, 以及我们在本网站收集的信息的完整性. Such measures include access controls designed to limit access to the information to the extent necessary to accomplish our mission. We also employ various 安全 technologies to protect the information stored on our systems. We routinely test our 安全 measures to ensure that they remain operational and effective.


Our privacy policy explains how we handle the personally identifiable information (PII) that you provide to us when you visit us online to browse, 获取信息, 或者进行交易. PII includes information that is personal in nature, and which may be used to identify you. You may provide PII to us when you send us an e-邮件 message or a request for information, 当你填写问卷或客户满意度调查时, 当你参与一项研究时, 等. 我们不要求您注册或提供个人信息来访问我们的网站. We do collect some technical information that does not include PII when you visit to make your visit seamless.

The PII you provide on the County website will be used only for the purpose for which you provided it. 通常来说, 当您访问我们的网站时,本县不会收集您的个人信息, 除非您选择向我们提供此类信息. 通过我们的网站提交个人信息是自愿的. 通过这样做, 您将允许县政府将您的信息用于特定的, 目的. 然而, not providing certain information may result in the County’s inability to provide you with the service you desire.

如果您选择在国内十大彩票平台页面上向我们提供PII, 通过完成网络表单等方法, we will use that information to help us provide you the information or service you have requested. The information we may receive from you varies based on what you do when visiting our site.

We only share the PII you give us with another entity if your inquiry relates to that agency, 或法律另有规定. 我们从不创建个人档案或将您的PII提供给任何私人组织.

If we store your PII in a record system designed to retrieve information about you by personal identifier (name, 个人电邮地址, 家庭通讯地址, 个人或移动电话号码, 等.),以便我们与您联络,我们会保护您提供给我们的资料.


我们的许多程序和网站允许您向我们发送电子邮件信息. 我们将使用您提供的信息来回复您的询问. 我们只会通过电子邮件向您发送一般信息. 你应该被提醒,电子邮件可能不一定是安全的,防止拦截. 因此, we suggest that you do not send sensitive PII (such as your Social Security number) to us via e邮件. 如果你想要发送的电子邮件内容很敏感,e.g., 它包括你的银行账户等信息, 签帐卡, 或社会安全号码, 你应该亲自递交信息,或者通过美国邮政邮寄.S. 邮件. Another alternative may be submission of data through a secure program website, if available.


在浏览任何网站时,都会收集某些信息. 我们会在访问期间自动收集以下类型的信息:
  • 您访问互联网的域名;
  • IP address (an IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to a computer when surfing the Internet).
  • operating system and information about the device or browser used when visiting the site;
  • 您到访的日期和时间;
  • 您访问或下载的内容和
  • 网站(如Google).com或Bing.com) or referral source (e邮件 notice or social media site) that connected you to the website.


Doña安娜县 does not collect personally identifying information about individuals except when specifically, 并且是由这些人故意提供的. In addition, Doña安娜县 web servers may place a "cookie" on the hard drive of a user's computer. cookie本身不包含任何个人识别信息. 如果你在访问期间什么都不做,只是浏览网站, 阅读页面, 或下载资料, 我们将自动收集和存储有关您访问的某些信息. 此信息不能识别您的个人身份.

我们使用这些信息来分析趋势, 管理网站, 提高网络服务质量和内容质量, collect site visit statistics and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use.

当您参与本网站的活动时, you may be asked to provide certain information about yourself by filling out and submitting an online form. 你完全可以选择参加这些活动. 请注意所收集的所有信息, 组装, or maintained in connection with a governmental body is subject to the State of New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act.

取决于活动, some of the information that we ask you to provide is identified as mandatory and some as voluntary. 如果您没有提供有关特定活动的强制性数据, 您将无法在线参与该活动. 而不是, you will need to use a non-web option for transacting that business with Doña安娜县 政府.


该县使用社交媒体网站和其他类型的第三方网站. 该县利用社交媒体网站参与对话, 共享信息和媒体, 并与公众合作. The County may also use these websites to make information and services widely available, 同时促进透明度和问责制, 为那些寻求有关县的信息或服务的人提供服务.

Doña安娜县 政府 recognizes and appreciates the importance of responsible use of information collected on this site. Information may be saved for a designated period of time to comply with the State of New Mexico’s archiving policies. 然而, information will not normally be disclosed to third parties or other government agencies, 除非州或联邦法律要求.

我们的网站包含其他政府机构的链接, 社区机构, 私人组织, 还有一些商业实体.


The Doña安娜县 web site has links to other non-county web sites such as other government agencies, 非营利组织和私人企业. 这些网站不受我们的控制,可能不遵循相同的隐私, 安全, 或者可访问性策略. Please note that Doña安娜县 政府 is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of web sites whose contents are not controlled by Doña安娜县 政府, Doña安娜县政府是否将其链接为“外部网站”. 一旦你链接到另一个网站,你是受该网站的政策.

Doña安娜县不支持, 批准, 认证或控制这些外部网站, 也不知道他们身上的任何信息. Doña安娜县 cannot guarantee the privacy of your personal information while accessing those websites.


在任何违反本协议条款的情况下, 该县保留暂停或终止的权利, 暂时的或永久的, 所提供的任何或所有服务. Users who violate terms contained herein may additionally incur criminal and/or civil 责任. 该县可将违规者提交民事或刑事当局起诉.


您同意赔偿并持有Doña Ana县政府及其子公司, 子公司, 电信运营商, 服务提供商, 军官, 雇员和代理人不受任何索赔, 责任, 损失, 费用或需求, 包括律师费, related to a user’s violation of the terms and conditions or the use of the services and information provided at this web site.


在任何情况下都不会Doña安娜县政府, 它的供应商, 服务提供商或其他第三方关联公司对任何损害承担责任, 包括以下内容:

  1. 直接, 间接, 因使用而产生的附带惩罚性和间接损害赔偿, 不能使用或不能使用的结果
    1. 这个服务
    2. 链接到此服务的任何网站
    3. Materials or information contained at any or all such sites; or
    4. 互联网上任何地方的内容
    是否基于保证, 合同, tort or any other legal theory; 包括 without limitation to those damages resulting from lost profits, 数据丢失或业务中断;
  2. Doña安娜县政府或其任何供应商的总负债, 服务提供商或第三方附属机构.

在任何情况下Doña Ana县政府都不承担任何直接责任, 间接, 偶然的, 重要的, special and exemplary damages or any damages whatsoever arising from the use or performance of this website or from any information, 通过本网站提供的服务或产品, 即使Doña Ana县政府已经被告知这种损害的可能性.


本服务由Doña Ana县政府“按原样”提供.”. 无论是Doña安娜县政府还是其合作伙伴, 供应商, 或附属公司作出任何形式的陈述或保证, 明示或暗示, 关于服务的操作, 它的内容, 或通过服务提供的任何信息.

Doña安娜县政府不作任何保证, 明示或暗示, 包括但不限于对适销性的默示保证, 适合某一特定目的, 或者任何侵权行为. 此外, Doña安娜县 政府 does not warrant that use of the service will not be interrupted, 可以在任何时间、任何地点使用, 安全且无错误. Corrected defects are not warrantable and the service is not guaranteed free of viruses or other harmful components.

如果您对本隐私政策有任何疑问或意见,请联系Nelson J. Goodin在 nelsong@doubtmanagement.com or 575.525.5920.